
Synthwave is a Python package for generating a stream of synthetic JSON data. It was intially developed to provide data for practicing with data engineering tools and workflows. However, it is very general and can be used to generate JSON data for any use. For example, you can use this to test data pipelines, generate data for unit or end-to-end tests, whatever else you can think of.

Synthetic data like names and email addresses were generated with GPT-3.


Like normal: pip install synthwave


First you define your events in a file, say

from synthwave import Event, field

class AccountCreated(Event):
   user_id = field.UUID()

   properties = field.Object(
      age=field.Integer(13, 95),
      location=field.Location() | field.Null(0.2),

Then, start synthwave from the terminal:

python -m synthwave -e -o stdout

This will generate a stream of events like:

   'event': 'account_created',
   'event_id': '24a4f6ae-06dc-4df9-b67d-faac490ce890',
   'timestamp': '2023-05-25T15:22:55.419+00:00',
   'user_id': 'b18a2f0e-7257-41c0-8f1c-9c63c275b342',
   'properties': {
      'first_name': 'Parron',
      'last_name': 'Akori',
      'age': 95,
      'email_address': '',
      'location': None

These events are intended to simulate data you would see from SDKs from Amplitude, Segment, RudderStack, etc. So, every event comes with an event name, a timestamp, and a unique event ID.

Every field object will create random data and add it to the output event. field.Null is used to generate data that can be None | nil | null. The parameter of field.Null sets how often the null value occurs, 20% of the time in the above example.

Command Line Options#

Synthwave generation is started from the command line:

python -m synthwave -e -o stdout

You must point to a file where your events are defined -e


  • -o, --output: Location for writing the event data.

    • If not defined, will write data to stdout (the terminal).

    • -o filename.txt writes the event data to the file filename.txt.

    • -o will POST the events to the URL as JSON data.

  • -i, --interval: Time interval between events in seconds.

Further Learning#

Indices and tables#